General Information
Part I: General Topics
- The way we read and present academic work
- A brief language guide for statistical writing
- The structure of statistical papers
- Typesetting your manuscript
Part II: Statistical Topics
- Bayesian Statistics (Reference Book: Bayesian Data Analysis)
- Lecture: Introduction to Bayesian Inference
- Lecture: Fundamentals of Bayesian Data Analysis
- Presentation Topic 1.3: Bayesian single-parameter models
- Presentation Topic 1.4: Bayesian hierarchical models
- Presentation Topic 1.5: Bayesian generalized linear models
- Presentation Topic 1.6: Bayesian models for missing data
- Presentation Topic 1.7: Bayesian models for social networks
- Machine Learning (Reference Book: The Elements of Statistical Learning)
- Lecture: Linear Methods for Regression and Classification
- Lecture: Smoothing methods
- Lecture: Regression density estimation
- Presentation Topic 2.4: Cross-Validation
- Presentation Topic 2.5: Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts
- Presentation Topic 2.6: Generalized Additive Models
- Presentation Topic 2.7: Neural Networks
- Presentation Topic 2.8: Undirected Graphical Models
- Presentation Topic 2.9: High-Dimensional Regression
- Statistical Simulation Methods (Reference Book: Bayesian Data Analysis)
- Lecture: Introduction to MCMC methods
- Lecture: Sequential Monte Carlo
- Lecture: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Presentation Topic 3.4: The Gibbs Sampler
- Presentation Topic 3.5: Metropolis and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms
- Presentation Topic 3.6: MCMC Convergence and Convergence Diagnostics