Talks and Interviews(学术报告和访谈)

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Time (时间) Venue (地点)Topic (主题)
2024-07-17The 7th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2024), Beijing, ChinaLocal Information Advantage and Stock Returns — Evidence from Social Media
2024-06-30The 44th International Symposium on Forecasting, Dijon, FranceInfinite forecast combinations based on Dirichlet process
2023-12-01The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Shanghai, ChinaInfinite forecast combinations based on Dirichlet process
2023-07-14The 9th International Forum on Statistics (RUC IFS 2023), Beijing, ChinaForecast reconciliation with discrete data
2023-06-30The 2023 ICSA China Conference, Chengdu, ChinaDistributed MCMC inference
2021-11-14Forecasting Impact PodcastComputing, forecasting and learning with massive machines
2021-11-20第14届中国R会议软件工具专场Developing Distributed Models with Spark
2021-09-13Data Skeptic Podcast Distributed ARIMA Models for Ultra-long Time Series
2021-07-02The 2021 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian AnalysisDistributed Forecasting with Large Bayesian Vector Autoregressions
2021-06-28The 41st International Symposium on ForecastingHighly scalable distributed modelling and forecasting with dependent data
2020-10-26The 40th International Symposium on ForecastingFeature-based Bayesian Forecast Model Averaging
2019-07-08The 12th International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Sydney, AustraliaBayesian high-dimensional covariate-dependent copula modeling with application to stocks and text sentiments
2019-06-17The 39th International Symposium on Forecasting, Thessaloniki, GreeceTime series forecasting based on automatic feature extraction
2016-11-21统计之都COS 访谈第 22 期: 李丰老师
2014-10-25Stockholm UniversityInterview with Feng Li, PhD
2014-06Qvintensen ArticleComplex Model for Complex Data via the Bayesian Approach
2014-03-22The Swedish Cramér Society 2014 Annual MeetingBayesian Modeling of Conditional Densities