Category: Default

  • Generalized hypergeometric function in R

    Just wrote an R function to calculate the generalized hypergeometric function \(pFq\) for real numbers. The function is evaluated based on the series expansion of Pochhammer symbol. The function also allows you to have vectorized input. You can find the code at The function depends on the Pochhammer function which is available at

  • SRSS 2013

    We just announced the SWEDISH RESEARCH STUDENTS CONFERENCE IN STATISTICS, 2013 to be held in Stockholm on April 18-19, 2013. Please visit our web page for more information

  • Rscript example

    I use Rscript as my prime scripting language to perform some command-line tasks. The reason for this is I don’t know much about bash scripts nor perl language. Writing a script in R is very simple if you know R language. But there are a few things need to consider. How to pass arguments to…