Feng Li
School of Statistics and Mathematics
Central University of Finance and Economics
How can we assign a probability to a sentence?
P(high winds tonight) > P(large winds tonight)
How do we do a proper spell correction?
The office is about fifteen minuets from my house
P(about fifteen minutes from) > P(about fifteen minuets from)
How do we imporve the precision of speech recognition?
P(I saw a van) >> P(eyes awe of an)
We compute the probability of a sentence or sequence of words:
$$P(W) = P(w_1,w_2,w_3,w_4,w_5,...w_n)$$Related task: probability of an upcoming word:
$$P(w_5|w_1,w_2,w_3,w_4)$$A model that computes either of these $P(W)$ or $P(w_n|w_1,w_2,...,w_{n-1})$ is called a language model.
Intuition: let’s rely on the Chain Rule of Probability
The Chain Rule in General
where $k$ is some positive integer.
import os
import pandas as pd
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
merged = pd.read_excel('data/guba.xlsx', sheet_name='Merged')
merged = merged['Explanation'].tolist()
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
# Tokenize
merged = [tokenizer.tokenize(merged[i]) for i in range(len(merged))]
# stop words
def word_clean(sentence, stop_words):
sentence = [i.lower() for i in sentence]
sentence = [token for token in sentence if not token.isnumeric()]
sentence = [j for j in sentence if j not in stop_words]
return sentence
stop_words = pd.read_csv('data/stopwords.txt', header=None)[0].to_list()
merged = [word_clean(sentence, stop_words) for sentence in merged]
import nltk
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
# Lemmatize the documents.
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
merged = [[lemmatizer.lemmatize(token) for token in doc] for doc in merged]
# Compute bigrams.
from gensim.models import Phrases
# Add bigrams and trigrams to docs
bigram = Phrases(merged, min_count=1)
merged = [bigram[lst] for lst in merged]
# Remove rare and common tokens.
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
# Create a dictionary representation of the documents.
merged_dictionary = Dictionary(merged)
# Filter out words that occur less than 2 documents, or more than 60% of the documents.
merged_dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=1, no_above=0.6)
# Bag-of-words representation of the documents.
merged_corpus = [merged_dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in merged]
# Train merged model.
from gensim.models import LdaModel
# Set training parameters.
num_topics = 5
chunksize = 20
passes = 5
iterations = 200
eval_every = None # Don't evaluate model perplexity, takes too much time.
# Make an index to word dictionary.
temp = merged_dictionary[0] # This is only to "load" the dictionary.
id2word = merged_dictionary.id2token
merged_model = LdaModel(
# We need a specific version of pyLDAvis. Let's install it to current notebook directory.
! pip3 install pyLDAvis -I -t modules
Looking in indexes: https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/simple/ Collecting pyLDAvis Using cached pyLDAvis-3.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl Collecting joblib Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/55/85/70c6602b078bd9e6f3da4f467047e906525c355a4dacd4f71b97a35d9897/joblib-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (303 kB) Collecting pandas>=1.2.0 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/48/b4/1081d66b71c4dfc1bc1e19d6f2abbf93ed42f69df7703eb323742d45423e/pandas-1.3.4-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (11.5 MB) Collecting future Using cached future-0.18.2-py3-none-any.whl Collecting sklearn Using cached sklearn-0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl Collecting setuptools Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/41/f4/a7ca4859317232b1efb64a826b8d2d7299bb77fb60bdb08e2bd1d61cf80d/setuptools-58.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (946 kB) Collecting gensim Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/61/e8/ddf62a31b4f97f543a38233047865d02be97c192f7f8d849bbf3353bc094/gensim-4.1.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (24.0 MB) Collecting numexpr Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/4e/88/ccd8973d0dde04e95f6fbc7818f770a18293de7348fc3f9b66e9bf44a2f9/numexpr-2.7.3-cp39-cp39-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (471 kB) Collecting numpy>=1.20.0 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/7a/4c/dd00ce768b0f0f7de5c486cbd9f5b922bc3af2f3a5da30121d7f7dc03130/numpy-1.21.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (15.8 MB) Collecting scikit-learn Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/53/8b/99d0658d74a2e6277dbe40b6759581badb2790f6422369ae6a3d606b9164/scikit_learn-1.0.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (24.7 MB) Collecting jinja2 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/94/42/d8bca8e99789bcc35dfa9b03acaa8b518720d6e060163745bc2bf2ead842/Jinja2-3.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (133 kB) Collecting scipy Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/83/4a/13f813a86b7f510954bdae649f0fda718e8210320b4108656ddaf96442c9/scipy-1.7.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (39.8 MB) Collecting funcy Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/66/89/479de0afbbfb98d1c4b887936808764627300208bb771fcd823403645a36/funcy-1.15-py2.py3-none-any.whl (32 kB) Collecting python-dateutil>=2.7.3 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/d4/70/d60450c3dd48ef87586924207ae8907090de0b306af2bce5d134d78615cb/python_dateutil-2.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (227 kB) Collecting pytz>=2017.3 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/70/94/784178ca5dd892a98f113cdd923372024dc04b8d40abe77ca76b5fb90ca6/pytz-2021.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (510 kB) Collecting six>=1.5 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/ee/ff/48bde5c0f013094d729fe4b0316ba2a24774b3ff1c52d924a8a4cb04078a/six-1.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) Collecting smart-open>=1.8.1 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/cd/11/05f68ea934c24ade38e95ac30a38407767787c4e3db1776eae4886ad8c95/smart_open-5.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) Collecting MarkupSafe>=2.0 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/c2/db/314df69668f582d5173922bded7b58126044bb77cfce6347c5d992074d2e/MarkupSafe-2.0.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (30 kB) Collecting threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 Using cached https://mirrors.163.com/pypi/packages/f7/12/ec3f2e203afa394a149911729357aa48affc59c20e2c1c8297a60f33f133/threadpoolctl-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (12 kB) Installing collected packages: numpy, threadpoolctl, six, scipy, joblib, smart-open, scikit-learn, pytz, python-dateutil, MarkupSafe, sklearn, setuptools, pandas, numexpr, jinja2, gensim, future, funcy, pyLDAvis Successfully installed MarkupSafe-2.0.1 funcy-1.15 future-0.18.2 gensim-4.1.2 jinja2-3.0.2 joblib-1.0.1 numexpr-2.7.3 numpy-1.21.2 pandas-1.3.4 pyLDAvis-3.3.1 python-dateutil-2.8.1 pytz-2021.1 scikit-learn-1.0.1 scipy-1.7.2 setuptools-58.2.0 six-1.15.0 sklearn-0.0 smart-open-5.2.1 threadpoolctl-2.1.0
# prepend the `modules` folder to Python's search path
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'modules')
['modules', 'modules', '/home/fli/cloud/teaching/python/python-slides/P08-Advanced-Topics', '/usr/lib/python39.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.9', '/usr/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload', '', '/home/fli/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/IPython/extensions', '/home/fli/.ipython']
['modules', '/home/fli/cloud/teaching/python/python-slides/P08-Advanced-Topics', '/usr/lib/python39.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.9', '/usr/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload', '', '/home/fli/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/IPython/extensions', '/home/fli/.ipython']
import pyLDAvis
from pyLDAvis import gensim_models
vis= gensim_models.prepare(merged_model, merged_corpus, dictionary=merged_dictionary)
/home/fli/cloud/teaching/python/python-slides/P08-Advanced-Topics/modules/pyLDAvis/_prepare.py:246: FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas all arguments of DataFrame.drop except for the argument 'labels' will be keyword-only default_term_info = default_term_info.sort_values(
pyLDAvis.save_html(vis, 'lda.html')
Term | Freq | Total | Category | logprob | loglift | relevance | |
377 | product | 23.913529 | 30.062396 | Topic1 | -3.2928 | 0.9540 | -3.2928 |
627 | real_estate | 10.393194 | 12.188516 | Topic1 | -4.1261 | 1.0235 | -4.1261 |
246 | company | 7.408749 | 9.892665 | Topic1 | -4.4646 | 0.8937 | -4.4646 |
309 | financial | 6.197204 | 8.785535 | Topic1 | -4.6432 | 0.8339 | -4.6432 |
800 | zhangjiang_tech | 5.380072 | 5.830456 | Topic1 | -4.7846 | 1.1025 | -4.7846 |
558 | expected_return | 5.316008 | 5.792948 | Topic1 | -4.7966 | 1.0970 | -4.7966 |
520 | bank | 4.582158 | 5.053505 | Topic1 | -4.9451 | 1.0850 | -4.9451 |
251 | future | 4.360551 | 4.810861 | Topic1 | -4.9947 | 1.0846 | -4.9947 |
102 | stock | 3.904119 | 11.538281 | Topic1 | -5.1053 | 0.0992 | -5.1053 |
540 | customer | 3.847856 | 4.313823 | Topic1 | -5.1198 | 1.0686 | -5.1198 |
265 | term | 3.805859 | 5.013711 | Topic1 | -5.1307 | 0.9072 | -5.1307 |
619 | project | 3.664846 | 5.127102 | Topic1 | -5.1685 | 0.8471 | -5.1685 |
245 | business | 3.434275 | 6.798940 | Topic1 | -5.2335 | 0.4999 | -5.2335 |
567 | fund | 3.249944 | 6.864512 | Topic1 | -5.2887 | 0.4352 | -5.2887 |
582 | invest | 3.138705 | 3.589726 | Topic1 | -5.3235 | 1.0486 | -5.3235 |
636 | return | 3.127770 | 3.583477 | Topic1 | -5.3270 | 1.0469 | -5.3270 |
660 | trust | 3.127770 | 3.583477 | Topic1 | -5.3270 | 1.0469 | -5.3270 |
562 | financing | 3.112968 | 3.573827 | Topic1 | -5.3317 | 1.0448 | -5.3317 |
638 | risk | 3.112968 | 3.573827 | Topic1 | -5.3317 | 1.0448 | -5.3317 |
666 | wealth_management | 3.112968 | 3.573827 | Topic1 | -5.3317 | 1.0448 | -5.3317 |
241 | annual | 2.878278 | 3.321743 | Topic1 | -5.4101 | 1.0396 | -5.4101 |
782 | board | 2.854602 | 4.410119 | Topic1 | -5.4184 | 0.7479 | -5.4184 |
24 | control | 2.583636 | 3.367196 | Topic1 | -5.5181 | 0.9180 | -5.5181 |
799 | zhangjiang | 2.400752 | 2.847076 | Topic1 | -5.5915 | 1.0124 | -5.5915 |
790 | park | 2.400752 | 2.847076 | Topic1 | -5.5915 | 1.0124 | -5.5915 |
655 | threshold | 2.396182 | 2.844386 | Topic1 | -5.5934 | 1.0114 | -5.5934 |
625 | rate | 2.388913 | 2.841308 | Topic1 | -5.5965 | 1.0095 | -5.5965 |
661 | type | 2.388913 | 2.841308 | Topic1 | -5.5965 | 1.0095 | -5.5965 |
565 | focus | 2.377280 | 2.833401 | Topic1 | -5.6013 | 1.0074 | -5.6013 |
665 | wealth | 2.377280 | 2.833401 | Topic1 | -5.6013 | 1.0074 | -5.6013 |
604 | ningbo_branch | 2.377280 | 2.833401 | Topic1 | -5.6013 | 1.0074 | -5.6013 |
603 | ningbo | 2.377280 | 2.833401 | Topic1 | -5.6013 | 1.0074 | -5.6013 |
523 | buy_product | 2.377280 | 2.833401 | Topic1 | -5.6013 | 1.0074 | -5.6013 |
518 | average_annualized | 2.377280 | 2.833401 | Topic1 | -5.6013 | 1.0074 | -5.6013 |
766 | size | 2.358410 | 2.833941 | Topic1 | -5.6093 | 0.9992 | -5.6093 |
721 | infrastructure | 2.358410 | 2.833941 | Topic1 | -5.6093 | 0.9992 | -5.6093 |
716 | huge | 2.358410 | 2.833941 | Topic1 | -5.6093 | 0.9992 | -5.6093 |
672 | anxin | 2.358410 | 2.833941 | Topic1 | -5.6093 | 0.9992 | -5.6093 |
717 | improve | 2.358410 | 2.833941 | Topic1 | -5.6093 | 0.9992 | -5.6093 |
794 | senior_executive | 2.299076 | 2.742155 | Topic1 | -5.6348 | 1.0066 | -5.6348 |